Our Program

At Athlone Pre-Primary School we follow a programme which is based on sound education principles i.e: Our age and developmentally appropriate curriculum provide a balance between organized adult directed activities and free play.

Our Curriculum

We take note of the physical, social, emotional and intellectual characteristics and needs of pre-school children in each group. Hence we adapt and apply our informal curriculum accordingly. Our curriculum is in line with CAPS (Grade R) and NCF (younger). 

Physical education and Speech and drama is part of our curriculum. Physical health is just as important as intellectual health and students are able to better perform academically if they are physically fit.

Athlone Pre-Primary School Excursions


Learners are taken on educational excursions during the year, curriculum focused.


All access points are closed from 08:15am and closely monitored during the day. We
have a hand to hand policy ie: parents need to accompany their children to class and collect them
from the class teacher.


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